Tribune with Zoran Krušvar
Zoran Krušvar is a Croatian psychologist and science fiction and fantasy writer, born in Rijeka. He won 4 SFERA awards, in 2002 (for “Igra” – “The Game”), in 2003 (for “Brodovi u tami” – “Ships in Darkness”), in 2007 (for “Izvršitelji nauma Gospodnjeg” – “Executors of the Lord’s Plan”) and in 2008 (for “Tako biti mora” – “That’s the way it has to be”) from the Zagreb-based science fiction society SFera.
Krušvar’s first novel, Executors of the Lord’s Plan, is a multimedia project, first of such kind in Croatia. DVD is distributed with the book and it contains music video soundtrack to the novel. There is more than one level at which you can read this novel. Reading on a personal level opens up a psychological questions because the book talks about human nature and the relationship between individuals and their vision of God or gods. Author talks about fanaticism, loyalty to ideas and the sacrifices that people make because of their ideals. The fiction genre serves as a medium by which a greater transcendence of the work is achieved and the clear boundary between material world and that of ideals is erased.
If you like fantasy, psychology or just a stimulating discussion in good company – join us this evening!