“Rigo Janči” by Anđa Marić – picture book presentation
As a continuation of our collaboration with the Maritime and History Museum that already resulted in a five months long exhibition “Rigo Janči – Love as a Sweet Inspiration”, on March 21, 2019 at 6 p.m. a picture book “Rigo Janči” will be presented in the Maritime Museum in Rijeka. A famous Croatian musician, author, columnist and writer of children’s books, Anđa Marić, wrote it in words accessible to our youngest readers. The picture book has been illustrated by Stjepan Lukić, author and animator of Oscar-winning Croatian studio “Zagreb Film”. The picture book tells us a story about the love between a Hungarian violinist Jancsi Rigo and a Belgian princess Clara Ward Caraman Chimay.
Stjepan Lukić points out that picture books have never lost their relevance, regardless of the ubiquitous digital media: “Nothing can replace an illustration on paper, we can move it to the screen, but paper is always more beautiful and special. In certain parts of childhood and growing up, children will always learn through illustration and no video game can replace that.” Anđa Marić thinks that publishing a picture book is a really great idea: “I think this is very important because reading affects children’s development, their imagination and empathy. Our kids are a “double click” generation and it would be silly to force a chalk table when they work on a computer tablet, but I still think reading books and flipping through them, touching and smelling them is extremely important. There is something soothing about that paper. Children need to be introduced to this world and accustomed to picture books and books because otherwise they will never find pleasure in reading anything longer than sensationalist titles.”
During the presentation you will be able to enjoy a concert by the students from Ivan Matetić Ronjgov Music School. After the event, picture book can be signed by the authors.