“LEGO Mindstorms – build it, control it!” – workshop
LEGO Mindstorms are well-known educational robots made by world famous toy company. Kids learn best when education is made interactive – and even better when it’s creative and fun. We already had very successful LEGO Mindstorms workshop in 2016 and STEMI Hexapod workshop in 2022, so this is just another robotic workshop in the series.
We have recognized the problem that many parents cannot buy such an expensive robots or they do not have a professional mentor to help children build and program it. That is why we organized a free workshop. The goal of this workshop is for kids to experience the complete engineering process, from analysis, design, and construction to programing and testing. The primary target group is late elementary and early high school students.
Kids can interact with the toys from their phones, build their own models and share them online on Lego Life web. Girls and boys develop their skills and gain an understanding of how technology and coding work together.
The number of kids is limited to ten and we accept reservations on our email.