Spray art workshop and presentation
Themes of spray art, or often referred as street art, are usually surreal motifs, celebrities, fan messages or humorous cartoons. We decided to change that a bit, ie focus on science and technology. In the museum Vladimir Tomić and Stefan Gostić will hold a workshop on spray painting techniques, and then make a live presentation on Rijeka’s Korzo.
Vladimir Tomić graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts, and has been actively involved in graffiti and street art since 1998 under the pseudonym Mosk. He has participated in numerous graffiti and street art festivals in Europe and the region. His works have been published in many world publications and journals dedicated to urban art.
Nikola Tesla and Arthur C. Clarke need no introduction. Both visionaries, both credited for so much good in our technological civilization. They are an ideal motive for the presentation of everything that can be done with just a bottle of spray paint. The paintings will remain in the permanent exhibition of our museum to remind us of a great year full of events and hardworking enthusiasts.