Chaotic Tetris exhibition by Vladmir Biga
Here is the abstract of foreword to the exhibiton by Petra Senjanović: “The abstract forms of computer graphics of Vladimir Biga, in an equivalent way, reflect the spiritual climate of the 21st century, in continuing the eloquence of non-figurative forms in indicating a step away and the situation outside of balance, indicating the disbalance of our age. Chaotic tetris is, in fact, symbolic. It represents the anxiety of man who is trying to get a grip on the challenges of these fast times, in which he has an expiry period, and when problems of our chaotic daily lives drop down upon us like the shapes in tetris. If we position them well, tirelessly, without ever stopping and without abandoning a rational approach – we last, but if we stop, take a breath, or refuse to act – we cease to last.
Chaotic tetris is the continuation of an idea that led him through the series entitled Jet Set Vlado (2010), through which the artist examines the relations between daily life and the virtual world, trying to take over the position exactly at their meeting point. In levitating between the fields of real and virtual, he takes an ironic step back, and through the use of countless (and painless) mutations of the virtual, he indicates the complex (but painful) deviation of what is real.”