We are always looking to expand our collection and enrich our visitors' experience, but we need your help! Computer is dead if not used, it is a pity to keep something in the attic instead of prolonging its life so that new generations learn about the technological past in our museum. We are still searching for the items listed below that we would love to have here in PEEK&POKE, and would gladly take them off your hands if you would like to donate them to the museum. We promise to take great care of them! :)
If you would like to help but don’t have old computer hardware, you can always send us a direct cash donation as well. The museum works with volunteers and thus we cover most of the needs, but part of the material costs such as electricity, utilities and maintenance must be paid.
Ivana Grohovca 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
IBAN: HR07 2390 0011 1012 4695 3
If you are a company and want to get tax benefits or simply want to help a good cause, you can do it through Benevity - the most comprehensive and secure global donation platform.

Apple Lisayear:
Apple Computer Inc.importance:
Lisa is the first commercial computer with a GUI and a mouse. The machine was aimed at individual business users with a five-megabyte hard drive and a shipping price of 9,995 US $. The Lisa was challenged by a relatively high price, insufficient software library, unreliable Apple FileWare floppy disks, and the immediate release of the cheaper and faster Macintosh. Only 10,000 units were sold in two years.
Acorn Archimedes, any modelyear:
Acorn Computers Ltd.importance:
The Archimedes was one of the most powerful home computers available during the late 1980s and early 1990s; its main CPU was faster than the Motorola 68000 microprocessors found in the more popular Amiga and Atari ST machines.
Commodore 65 (also known as C64DX)year:
1990 - 1991manufacturer:
Commodore Business Machinesimportance:
The Commodore 65 is a rare prototype computer developed as an improved version of the Commodore 64. The idea was to be backwards-compatible with the older Commodore 64 while still providing a number of advanced features close to those of the Amiga.
20th Anniversary Macintoshyear:
Apple Inc.importance:
The Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh is a limited-edition personal computer released to mark Apple's 20th birthday. The machine was a technological showcase of the day, boasting a number of features beyond simple computing, and with a price tag aimed at the "executive" market.
HP computers (We will accept any in good condition from the 60s, 70s or 80s)year:
60s - 80smanufacturer:
HP Inc.importance:
General importance for the computer revolution timeline. We are missing these models: HP 9815A (1976), HP 9831 (1977), HP-87 (1982) and HP-150 (1983).
VR sets from the 90s (We’ll be happy with any VR set from the 90s)year:
They are so cool and fun! Unfortunately, many of them gave most customers headaches and severe virtual reality sickness. So they are rare and have perished mostly without a trace. Still, they are cool and fun!
Any retro gameyear:
For those that were born after the year 2000, retro games may not mean much, but this is where the best video games of today were born. And they are so fun-fun-fun!
Any retro arcade machine cabinetyear:
late 70s - early 90smanufacturer:
In the past, coin-operated arcade video games generally used custom per-game hardware often with multiple CPUs, highly specialized sound and graphics chips, and the latest in expensive computer graphics display technology. This allowed arcade system boards to produce more complex graphics and sound than what was then possible on video game consoles or personal computers. The joy of play on an old arcade cabinet is hard to beat even today!People
Aleksandar Zambelli, Redmond, USA
Alen Braut, Rijeka, Croatia
Alen Lesica, Rijeka, Croatia
Andrew Barosley, United Kingdom
Barbara Smilović, Rijeka, Croatia
Biserka Belić, Rijeka, Croatia
Božidar Pasarić, Rijeka, Croatia
Branko Kovačić, Rijeka, Croatia
Cassandra Bourrasa, Montreal, Canada
Dalibor Kušić, Zagreb, Croatia
Dania Domian, Rijeka, Croatia
Daniel Žgombić, Rijeka, Croatia
Dario Abram, Rijeka, Croatia
Davor Pasarić, Rijeka, Croatia
Dinko Eror, Rijeka, Croatia
Djuka Julijan, Croatia
Dražen Kos, Rijeka, Croatia
Faby & Lolo, Switzerland
Goran Paulin, Rijeka, Croatia
Goran Škvorc, Zagreb, Croatia
Grant family, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Helena Balaž, Rijeka, Croatia
Hrvoje Dogan, Rijeka, Croatia
Hrvoje Gradečak, Zagreb, Croatia
Hrvoje Keko, Rab, Croatia
Igor Kadum, Rijeka, Croatia
Igor Šepić, Rijeka, Croatia
Igor Stevanović, Rijeka, Croatia
Irena & Mark Morrice, North England, United Kingdom
Irene & Kevin Wrenner, Essex, Vermont, USA
Ivan Polojac, Düsseldorf, Germany
Ivan Šarar, Rijeka, Croatia
Iva Vlah, Rijeka, Croatia
Ivan Vučica, Dublin, Ireland
Ivana Krtinić, Rijeka, Croatia
Ivana Vukušić Gašparovski i Zvonimir Gašparovski, Rijeka, Croatia
Janko Belaj, Zagreb, Croatia
Jesse Hermann, Nederland
Joelle Putschbad, Germany
Josip Knežević, Rijeka, Croatia
Jovica Đurđić, Malinska, Croatia
Justin Byrd, North Carolina, USA
Krešimir Kos, Zagreb, Croatia
Lucija i Alan Fanton, Rijeka, Croatia
Marija Juračić, Opatija, Croatia
Marko Koržinek, Zagreb, Croatia
Matija Pužar, Oslo, Norway
Mauro Tončinić, Rijeka, Croatia
Maurizio Pilepić, Rijeka, Croatia
Mirko Trkulja, Rijeka, Croatia
Mladen Pasarić, Omišalj, Croatia
Nedim Kucalović, Rijeka, Croatia
Orsana Marić, Zagreb, Croatia
Petar Trinajstić, Rijeka, Croatia
PJ Nieland, Wildervank, Netherlands
Radoslav Dejanović, Zagreb, Croatia
Ratko Jovičić, Kostrena, Croatia
Rino Gropuzzo, Rijeka, Croatia
Robert Bilić, Wedel, Germany
Robert Pavlović, Rijeka, Croatia
Robert Puharić, Matulji, Croatia
Saša Dundović, New York, USA
Siniša Gašparović, Rijeka, Croatia
Slobodan Rebić, Rijeka, Croatia
Stjepan Bedić, Zagreb, Croatia
Tara Marić, Zagreb, Croatia
Tomislav Čanji, Zadar, Croatia
Tomislav Jagušt, Zagreb, Croatia
Vanja Tarczay, Zagreb, Croatia
Vera Ružić, Zagreb, Croatia
Vlatko Crvić, Rijeka, Croatia
Yves Bolognini, Bercher, Switzerland
Zoran Krušvar, Rijeka, Croatia
Zrinka Lukšić Mazanik, Zagreb, Croatia
Zvonimir Gembec, Pula, Croatia
Zvonimir Lasić, Dubrovnik, Croatia
APIS IT d.o.o.
Caffe Bard Rijeka
Cipmann d.o.o.
Domenigini d.o.o.
DHMZ – State Hydrometeorological Institute of Croatia
Dražul Glušica arhitekti d.o.o.
Grad Rijeka – Odjel za kulturu (City of Rijeka – Department of Culture)
Grad Rijeka – Odjel za sport i tehničku kulturu (Department for Sports and Technical Culture)
Grafik studio
HRT – Radio Rijeka
HSM informatika d.o.o.
INA d.d.
Kabinet 13 d.o.o.
Kjukar d.o.o.
KK Consulting d.o.o.
Kreativni odjel d.o.o.
Novi list d.d.
PIK Rijeka d.d.
Plavi dabar d.o.o.
Pruša d.o.o.
Radio klub Rijeka
Ružić tehnika d.o.o.
Superbit d.o.o.
Udruga darovitih informatičara Rijeke
Vidi-to d.o.o.